

I know I am; yup I am filled with it. Christmas spirit that is.
Filled with the love I have for God, family, and country. I am not ashamed to admit it is in that order also.
So what about you? Are you full of it?
Are you filled with the desire to do the right thing? Did you let the other folks have that parking spot at Wally world just in case they needed it more than you? Did you reach over and hand that stranger in line a coin or two to help make up the difference? Did you smile and thank that cashier for working so late, just in case someone needed a last minute something? Did you call that old buddy and check in?
Maybe you did something far more selfless, maybe even approaching sainthood. I don't know, but I'll bet you did something. Now the next question.
If you are full of it, what are you going to do with it tomorrow? Discard it once you've used it up? Put it away carefully for use next Christmas season?
Not me.
I'm gonna carry it around like the carefully guarded smoldering coal that traveled with my ancestors from camp to camp. Ready to bring it out and start a blaze of warmth and comfort, whenever it is needed just like they did. Now, sure they carried that smoldering jewel around to survive, but shouldn't we do the same? The Comfort and joy of Christmas spreads across all nations, governments,and languages. Why not carry it about all year long! We could propagate a world wide love of mankind. Is that not also key to our survival?
The birthday we celebrate on Christmas was not a single event, but the beginning of a journey that changed the world.
In other words, Christmas is 365 days a year!
This one is for you Mom, my thanks for teaching me all that you did.
You may never read this, but hopefully someone will.
Peace to you all, please remember who we are and why there are so many willing to give their lives to preserve it. I pray that every one of you is home next Christmas.
Do the right thing tomorrow folks, just do it for someone else.