I just got done listening to the arguments for and against the plaintiffs of the lawsuit debacle. Thanks to KMXT for the broadcast.
I was surprised by the lack of "citizens comments". The talk in the neighborhood was one of support for Mayor Selby's precedent setting decision to veto the resolution allowing us taxpayers to foot the bill for the triad. However; only three citizens called in or spoke on the mayors decision.
The discussion on the motion to override was amazing! Can someone please explain to me how we are able to ignore the "conflict of interest" issue can be overlooked? How are the three assembly members, who clearly will benefit financially from the outcome are allowed to vote on this decision? How can they even put forth a motion that benefits their personal bank account?
That said; a few of the members clearly stated their case for why their vote would go the way it did. I can understand why the alleged affronted parties feel so strongly that their decision should be payed for by the constituency. I do not agree with it, though. I understand why the opposing members feel the way they do, and I do agree with that. I do not understand the reasoning of one assembly members opinion that he did not agree with overriding the mayors veto, but just wanted to "put it behind them".
Wrong answer. If you felt that the mayors decision was valid, why would you choose to roll over? I do not elect my representatives to make easy decisions; hell I can do that all by myself. Assembly member Friend; whereas I commend your community service, you bare watching.
I really like the innuendo dropped by Oswalt and I do agree with it. "This will be remembered" came a cross as a veiled threat to this voter. I also agree with Oswalts's desire to be a simple man. Newsflash ; if you want things simple, then you should not have sought a seat. Stay a member of the herd and let others make your decisions.
As for memory; well next time the ballot is in front of me, and I see the names Stutes, Abell,, or Oswalt I will remember tonight.
As for the rest of the assembly and our Mayor, when your name appears on the ballot, this voter will remember your actions also.
That said; the only thing that made made sense in Mr. Oswalt's whining tonight was one statement.
Yes sir, this will be remembered.
Peace Y'all.
Life about the teepee
8 years ago
Did you call in? There was one guy who didn't say his name (or it got lost in the phone beeping), and I thought it sounded a lot like your blogs.
Did you count the people who called in after the vote? I think there were 10ish....
Could have been me.... I did not realize that more people called in after the vote. Frankly, by that point I was wore out.
Liked your post, and I too agree that this is not over. Was it me or did it seem like one of the plaintiffs threatened the assembly again?
I'm pretty sure there were a veiled threat or two in there. I was actually surprised there was nothing from the members at the end of the meeting. It's almost more threatening that Louise, Tom and Reed didn't have anything to say.....
I am pretty sure the triad has a contingency plan. The question is will the assembly, the citizens, and our mayor stay the course?
Maybe if more of the voters showed support for the right thing versus the easiest thing it will help them.
....Wait and see....
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