I went to Camelot this weekend. What a great show! Our island is blessed with many fine performers and several excellent singers. If you get the chance, definitely catch one of the performances this weekend. My favorite part? I liked the whole show, but Guinevere's songs were masterfully performed as where the 3 enchantresses.Be prepared for a full evening though,I clocked it at about 3 hours and 20 minutes.
But what about our own little Camelot? I heard that the assembly had another special meeting last Thursday. Guess what the top topic was? If you said lawsuit; then you win.
PULEEZE! How many special and regular meetings are we going to host, just so that we can beat this horse to death? Three of the members cannot vote on this issue, nor can they discuss it in forum. That's right, as soon as they hired legal representation they forfeited those rights. Only their lawyer can speak about the case and only then in court. So hold a general election or get off the pot! If you joined the assembly to make new friends, you picked the wrong group, if you thought you could please everyone, then altruism is definitely your forte'.
I have heard that some folks want me to run, I have also heard that some folks want me to start the Recall initiative to get these crybabies off our assembly.
Well, I have spun my spin on running already and I believe that I have started the Recall process already. Public dissent is the first step. One of my goals for this little blog was to get my neighbors up and taking action. For far to long we have closed the barn door well after the cows have fled.
Maybe I will start one of those recall petitions; only I would recall the entire board. After all, then I can vote for the ones that have proved their worth, (and there are a few who do so), and add some new voices who might actually make decisions in a timely manner.
Perhaps I would add one of the characters from Camelot. Yes, I do realize that King Aurthur and his court are fictional. However; I think that any off islander reading about this lawsuit debacle, would also think our situation here so far fetched that it too was fictional.
Besides a person in character, would at the very least, act as if the populace matters, act as if democracy was important, and at least act in a civil manner.
Does this sound stranger than fiction? In our little Camelot, the truth often is.
Do the right thing; and not for yourself.
Life about the teepee
8 years ago
Maybe a more formal recall process would be appropriate. But I'm worried that if they all started behaving that I'd run out of things to blog about. But that's just me. ;-)
Ish, you are mostly correct. A formal recall is probably in order.
Who will pick up that onus? Who will march down and get the petition form to start the evo/revolution?
Do not worry, even if we had sage and wise representation on the assembly, we will always have bloggable material.
Looking from the outside; it is our responsibility to shine light on the shenanigans of our elected officials.
Given the current political subterfuges, we should never run out of rants.
Keep up the good fight.
Did you read the e-mail I got from a guy claiming to be the son of one of the assembly members in question? I posted it. It's a hoot.
I did, sorry for the hiatus. I need to read and think some; on most things. There are so many dragons to slay, to many windmills to tip.
I hope my response was adequate.
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